Hebrew-English Cognates: Vocabulary List For Easy Reference

  • Marta Krzeminska
    Written byMarta Krzeminska
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Hebrew-English Cognates: Vocabulary List For Easy Reference

There are quite a lot of Hebrew-English cognates that make the process of learning Hebrew much easier.

What is a cognate?

These are words that are related or derived from each other.

For example, the word cider (a refreshing beverage in English) comes from the Hebrew word (shekhar) meaning “strong drink”.

There are also many Hebrew words that are so common in English that they have become part of the English language (e.g. amen after prayers).

Cognates are always a good starting point when learning new vocabulary since you’re able to acquire a large number of already-known words very quickly.

See the lists (by no means exhaustive) below and bookmark this page for easy reference.

List of Hebrew-English cognates

Here you’ll find an alphabetical list of many Hebrew-English cognates.

English Hebrew origin Meaning
abacus dust
agora small coin
aliyah ascent
almemar bema
amen certainly
baal lord
babel to confound
Bar Mitzvah son of the commandment
bath volume measurement
bat mitzvah daughter of the commandment
behemoth beast
bethel house of God
bris covenant
challah leavened bread
chazan cantor
cherub angel
cider strong drink
dybbuk wandering soul
edenic delight
ephah 1/10 homer dry measure
ganef thief
gerah grain
get divorce document
golem shapeless mass
goy nation
halacha way
halleluja, alleluia praise YHWH
heder room
homer swell up
Hosanna save
jubilee ram’s horn
judas celebrated
kashrut be appropriate
kibbutz gathering
kibosh disregard
kosher be appropriate
leviathan sea monster
macabre hammer
matzo unleavened bread
maven one who is experienced
mazeltov good luck
mazuma fixed
menorah candlestick
meshuga crazy
messiah anointed one
midrash explanation
mitzvah commandment
mohel person who performs circumcisions
pascal passover
pharaoh Egyptian ruler
pharisee separate
rabbi master
sabbatical day of rest
satan adversary
schmooze rumor
schwa unstressed vowel
seder order
selah pause
seraph celestial being / angel
shalom peace
shamus sexton
shegetz blemish
shekel weigh
shibboleth stream
shiksa abomination / racist insult to non-Jewish women
siddur arrangement
sukkah booth
teraph household god
Torah law
tush beneath
tzitzit tassels
yeshiva talmudic school
yid celebrated
zaddik righteous

Greek letter names of (presumed) Hebrew origin

It’s fair to say that many of the Greek letter names have become a part of English due to their wide usage in mathematics and so on.

Some of these Greek letters are presumed to share a common origin with Hebrew (and Phoenician) letter names.

See the following table for reference:

English Greek Hebrew (presumed origin)
alpha λφα
beta Βτα
gamma Γμμα
delta Δλτα
eta τα
iota Ιτα
kappa Κππα
lambda Λμβδα
nu Νυ
pi Πι
rho Ρω
tau Ταυ

English names of Hebrew origin

Below you’ll find a list of names (and variations) of Hebrew origin that are common in English.

English name Hebrew origin Meaning
Abelia / Abelian emptiness
Abigail father of exhaltation
Adam earth
Ammonite of the tribe of Ammon
Bedlam Bethlehem
Bejesus Jesus / salvation
Benday / Benjamin son of the right hand
Cassia cinnamon
Davit / David beloved
Haman / Hamantasch vizier
Jack / Jacket / Jacob he has protected
Jehu YHWH is
Jeremiad the Lord will rise
Jeroboam people will contend
Jesuit salvation
Jezebel chaste
Jimmy he has protected
Jockey the Lord is gracious
Joe / Joseph he shall add
John the Lord is gracious
Lazar / Lazaretto God is my help
Macadum / Macadamia earth
Mary / Marionette Miryam
Michael / Mick mikha’el
Nance / Nancy Hannah / favored
Nimrod hunter
Philistine / Palestinian migratory
Samaritan watch station
Semitic name
Sodom / Sodomite burnt
Toby goodness of YHWH
Yankee the Lord is gracious

You know more Hebrew than you realize

Just looking at the lists above, you can see that you actually know quite a bit of Hebrew already.

Add to this the fact that Modern Hebrew uses many loanwords from European languages (as well as numerals), and you quickly realize that Hebrew is not as exotic as you first thought.

Want to go further with your Hebrew study? Refer to our guide on the best online Hebrew courses.

Did I miss any important cognates?

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