Do you really want to immerse yourself in a foreign language but travelling and being ‘location-independent’ isn’t a viable option for you?
Most people aren’t really able to travel around on a whim to learn languages due to work and family commitments.
Just about anybody who lives in a foreign language context is bound to pick up a decent amount of the language with a little motivation, but doing the same thing when you’re stuck in your own country is where the real challenge is.
I do notice a certain level of frustration from people on popular language blogs and forums who don’t have the luxury of being able to jump on a plane and live the life of a polyglot adventurer (and totally understand that frustration).
Apps like HelloTalk and sites like italki have really taken off in popularity lately in response to this.
I get emails all the time now from new startups asking me to promote their new site or app and almost all of them are about connecting people virtually.
This current technology trend in language learning products has a strong social focus. Just like online dating and Tinder-type apps, people want to remove not just the geographical constraints of finding conversation partners but also eliminate the process of meeting new people naturally.
I’ll be honest, as much as I love a lot of this technology for connecting with people online, I’m concerned that the Western world is becoming more and more socially inept because of technology. Too many people have forgotten (or never really learned) real, human relationship building.
The very common question that comes up in online circles is not “How can I find people to talk to?” but rather:
“What do I talk about?”
If you have to ask what to say to people then you don’t have a language learning problem.
You have a social problem.
Like I said, I love sites like italki.
But I’m going to come right out and say that even though you’re talking face-to-face with a person over Skype and that’s great, there is so much you simply cannot learn without physically being together.
I said recently that I pride myself on taking a very holistic approach to language learning.
I reject the idea that you can genuinely learn a language minus the cultural immersion aspect (which takes a very long time).
So no, you can’t genuinely learn a language in a few months. Period.
Anyone who says otherwise is after your wallet.
Human interaction is an incredibly deep and complex thing that goes far beyond simply memorizing a bunch of words, phrases and rules.
For example, you’ll never learn things like body language, proximity, the way native speakers interact with each other both in pairs and in groups, age factors, gender factors, religious and cultural factors all of which heavily influence the way people communicate.
You’ll never learn the intricate nuances and (oh so importantly) humor.
These are things that you observe by living it and being around it – a webcam will only give you a fraction of a glimpse.
The feeling I get when I hear people ‘phrasebook hack’ a language in a few months is that it’s totally sterile and lifeless.
It’s robotic, lacking any character or spirit. Communicating simply as a means to an end.
Unless you live right out in the boonies or are learning an obscure language, meeting people in person is not as much of a challenge these days as it used to be.
You’d be surprised just how many people from your target language community live in or near your own city (especially if you’re from the US, Australia, Canada or Europe). After spending some time in the US for example, I’m shocked that so many Americans say they can’t meet native Spanish speakers.
Are you kidding me?
My first impression coming to the States was that this is paradise for Spanish learners.
The demographics of the Western world has changed rapidly over recent years to the point where every major language and many minor languages are represented by local communities in most major cities.
It’s easier now than ever before to be immersed in your target language without ever having to globe-trot.
Or sit in front of a computer screen.
Where there’s a will there’s a way.
If you’re out and about in a city where there are lots of ethnic groups and you’re actively seeking them out on a daily basis, you’ll find the people you’re looking for.
I always say that when you’re looking for something intently, it finds you.
There are of course lots of different options such as:
Or you could be creative and do something like this:
A photo posted by Hubert Nagel (@mezzoguild)
I had a few of these shirts made as a kind of experiment to see how they go just out and about around town.
Will random Arabic speakers in the street react to it?
Just walking around the Portland area (where there actually aren’t many Arabs at all) I was quite amazed at how effective it was in getting randoms to speak Arabic to me.
But it wasn’t necessarily about having a t-shirt.
What it did was show me that the willingness of people is there – it’s just up to you to be proactive in seeking people out.
So instead of echoing the crowd and advising you to do X number of hours on Skype this week, I challenge you to physically meet somebody.
F**k Skype.
Go and shake hands with somebody.
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