It’s not always easy to make a conversation flow naturally, particularly when speaking a language that you haven’t mastered.
So, what’s the best way to impress Spanish speakers and ensure your conversation flows smoothly?
Knowing your Spanish conversational connectors is one of the best ways to do this.
Although the list below is long, there are some Spanish conversational connectors that you’ll use more frequently than others.
Spanish conversational connectors are small words or short phrases that link sentences together and help Spanish speakers to engage in your conversations.
To help you understand what a Spanish conversational connector is, it helps to know that some examples of English conversational connectors are “and”, “but” and “although”.
A group of sentences that lack conversational connectors can sound disjointed or disconnected since they stop and start so frequently.
If you’ve found that your conversations sound a bit elementary, perhaps you need to use more Spanish conversational connectors.
With this in mind, let’s go ahead and start the list.
Here are the conversational connectors you should keep in mind when expressing yourself in spoken or written Spanish.
Do you recognise any of these?
This one-letter Spanish conversational connector is pronounced “ee” and means “and” in English.
Usage example:
A mí me gustan el chocolate negro y el chocolate blanco.
Another one-letter Spanish conversational connector is o. O means “or” and is pronounced as a short “o” sound, like the letter o in “otter”.
Usage example:
A tí te gusta viajar en avión o en tren?
Use para when you want to say “for” in Spanish. There are particular situations when you should use para and when you should use por, so take a look at our article por vs para to get the gist.
Usage example:
Sofía ha comprado una flor para su abuela.
It’s true that por means “for” just as para does. Use por when you want to say “because of” or “through” in Spanish.
Sofía ha pasado por la calle Real.
Aún means “not yet” and can be used in similar examples to its English equivalent. Sometimes you might hear Spanish speakers adding a no to the word aún.
Usage example:
Has terminado la tarea?
Aún no.
The meaning of this short Spanish conversational connector is “nor”. It can be used to rule out something or two options when speaking.
Usage example:
No voy a viajar en avión ni en coche.
Use the Spanish conversational connector todavía when you want to say “yet” in Spanish. It can also mean “still”.
Usage example:
Estoy trabajando todavía. Déjame concentrarme.
The Spanish conversational connector phrase así que means “so that”. You might also have heard de esta manera or de este modo used in similar situations.
Usage example:
Pon la chaqueta así que no tendrás frío.
This is a common connector. Pero means “but” or “however”. Don’t confuse this one with perro which, with its double rr means “dog”.
Usage example:
A mí me encantaría ir a la fiesta pero tengo que estudiar.
When giving your opinion in Spanish, use the Spanish conversational connector para mí to express yourself. It means “for me” or “from my perspective”.
Usage example:
Para mí, es una crisis tan grave que el mundo no se recuperará.
Por eso means “for that reason” or “because of this”. It can join two logically connected statements or arguments together in Spanish.
Usage example:
No estaba feliz. Por eso estaba llorando mucho.
If you want to say “now that” in Spanish, use ya que. It can be used when one statement follows on from another statement and both are connected to each other.
Usage example:
No voy a la fiesta ya que mi novio ha terminado conmigo.
Giving your opinion can be as simple as starting your sentence with no creo que. It means “I don’t think that”… So you might use it when you disagree with something. Use it with a Spanish subjunctive verb.
Usage example:
No creo que tengas razón. Todo el mundo debería ayudarles.
Por lo visto sort of means “as you can see”, or “apparently”. It is used to demonstrate what you’re trying to say by connecting your argument or point to an example.
Usage example:
Es evidente que no podemos ayudarla. Por lo visto, ella no se va a recuperar.
Use por consiguiente when you want to say “therefore”. If you need to draw a conclusion from a point you’ve made previously, por consiguiente is the phrase you’ll need.
Usage example:
Esta tarea es demasiado difícil. Por consiguiente, vamos a pedir ayuda.
Que yo sepa is a Spanish conversational connector that means “as far as I am aware”. Use it to indicate that you’re going to share information or facts to the best of your knowledge.
Usage example:
No creo que haya más pan en las tiendas, que yo sepa.
Aunque means “despite”. It can also mean “even though” and can be used to contrast two separate points that present two sides of an argument.
Usage example:
Aunque te he dicho que el dinero es importante, hay una cosa más importante. Ser feliz.
Just like aunque, a pesar de means “despite”.
Usage example:
A pesar de las fuertes nevadas, vamos a esquiar por las monta~nas.
The Spanish conversational connector sin embargo means “however” in English. Use it when you want to make a contrasting point or argument to the point you have made earlier.
Usage example:
He dicho que no puedes salir después de las diez. Sin embargo, puedes hablar con tus amigos por teléfono.
Además is a Spanish conversational connector that means “in addition” or “what’s more”. If you want to make an additional point, use it to indicate that you’re about to join two ideas together.
Usage example:
Las manzanas tienen mucha vitamina C. Además contienen fibra.
The Spanish conversational connector de todas formas means “anyway”. If you want to move on to a different point of view or consider something from a different perspective use this connector to indicate that you want to make a new point.
Usage example:
Este vestido es muy viejo ya. De todas formas, tengo más vestidos que son más bonitos.
If you want to offer an alternative point of view or move from one point to another, use en vez de. It’s a Spanish conversational connector that means “instead of”.
Usage example:
Lo sé. Estar sin trabajo es duro. Pero, en vez de quejarte, busca otro puesto.
If you want to specify or focus on one particular part of your conversation, use en concreto. This Spanish conversational connector means “specifically” and indicates that you’re going to talk about a particular point in more detail or use a particular example from what you’ve already been talking about.
Durante la pandemia, no había nada en las tiendas, en concreto pan y pasta.
Aparte de means “except for”. If you’re going to talk about something that is anomalous or doesn’t follow the train of thought that you were making previously, use aparte de.
Usage example:
Todos mis compa~neros fueron inteligentes, aparte de yo.
Use de todos modos when you want to say “anyway” or shift to another perspective. You might hear it in a debate or heated discussion when someone wants to talk about something they perceive as more important than what has already been said.
Usage example:
No creo que su libro esté bien escrito. De todos modos, ha escrito otros más interesantes.
If you want to give an example of something, use tal como to indicate that you’re about to do so. Tal como is a Spanish conversational connector that means “such as” or “for example”.
Usage example:
A mí me gustan los libros del género ciencia ficción, tal como Children of Time y Children of Ruin.
Use tan pronto como if you want to show that one event has immediately led onto another point and indicate that these two events might be linked to each other. Tan pronto como means “as soon as”.
Usage example:
Tan pronto como la lluvia paró, salió el sol.
If two events take place at the same time, or you’re making two points that are linked or happen simultaneously, use mientras. It means “while”.
Usage example:
Mientras entiendo su punto de vista, no creo que tengas razón.
Don’t get mientras tanto confused with mientras. This Spanish conversational connector means “in the meantime”.
Usage example:
Julia estaba trabajando en casa mientras tanto su hermano estaba preparándose para el examen.
Use en primer lugar to open or start a list of points all related to the same argument or theme. It means “firstly” in English and can be followed by en segundo lugar… en tercer lugar.
Usage example:
En primer lugar, las mascarillas no serán obligatorias en las calles a partir del jueves.
If one event happens for a duration of time, up until another event, use hasta to show that the event continued up until it was interrupted.
Or if one event is triggered by something else, use hasta. Hasta means “until”.
Usage example:
No voy a hablar con mi madre hasta que sepa que todo está mejor.
Hasta que also means “until”, but can also mean “before”. Note that hasta que is normally used with the subjunctive mood and is followed by a subjunctive verb.
Usage example:
No te daré un helado hasta que limpies tu habitación.
Use por último when you want to bring your argument or point to a close. Por último means “finally”, or “lastly” and you’ll hear it in political discussions.
Usage example:
Y por último, vamos a aumentar los sueldos mínimos de los trabajadores de Espa~na.
Pues means “well…” It’s a short word used in the same way you would pause for thought and contemplate what someone has said to you. Use this Spanish conversational connector to pause and think for a moment.
Usage example:
?Piensa usted que el gobierno ha tomado la decisión correcta?
Pues… no sé. Tienes que pensar en el futuro.
If you want to clarify what you’re trying to say, use digo to say “I mean”, or “what I’m saying is”. Digo is also a verb that means “I say”.
Tiene depresión. Digo, pues, no está bien.
Bueno can mean “good”. But as a Spanish conversational connector, bueno means “well”. It’s used in a similar way to the word “so” or “okay” in speech, or to pause and think for a moment while you gather your thoughts and think of what you want to say next.
Usage example:
No está feliz. Bueno… la cosa es que he hecho todo lo que puedo.
Es que means “well, the thing is”. It’s a phrase you’ll hear when someone wants to use an excuse to get out of doing something, or to defend their point of view.
Usage example:
Deberías ayudar a tu hermana.
Es que… no necesita mi ayuda.
You might hear a variation of this Spanish conversational connector, which is a ver. A ver means “let’s see” or “let’s think for a moment”. Use it when you’re trying to think about the arguments someone has made and want to consider them objectively.
?Piensas que el precio del oil va a subir? A ver… Es una posibilidad.
Use en fin when you’re concluding an argument or finishing up your speech. It means “all in all” in English.
Usage example:
En fin, todos los seres humanos deberían tener derecho a la libertad de expresión.
Emphasising a point, or reiterating it in other words, can be signalled with this Spanish conversational connector. Es decir means “in other words”, or “to put it another way”.
Usage example:
El gobierno es corrupto. Es decir, no toman las decisiones correctas y no ayudan a la gente.
Use o sea as you would use es decir. It means “in other words” as well.
Usage example:
Hay demasiados exámenes para los jóvenes. O sea, deberían ser menos.
Now you’ve got all of these Spanish conversational connectors, you’ll find that your conversations with native Spanish speakers will flow more easily. You won’t be stopping and starting and each point will connect together more seamlessly.
Keep this list handy and try using the connectors to help you sound like a native and impress your Spanish colleagues and friends.
Which Spanish conversational connectors have we missed?
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