Spanish definite and indefinite articles can be tricky for English speakers at first.
While English has a total of three articles, Spanish has a lot more which change depending on gender and number.
You can’t avoid the reality that mastering definite and indefinite articles in Spanish is essential.
So let’s get started.
To explain what definite and indefinite articles in Spanish are, we should first consider what an article is.
An article is a small word that speakers use to demonstrate whether they are speaking about a specific noun or a general noun.
As you might have gathered, we can divide articles into definite and indefinite categories.
“The” is the definite article in English, and “a” and “an” are the indefinite articles.
But which words are the equivalent in Spanish?
There are four different definite articles in Spanish since nouns can either be masculine or feminine.
The four types of definite articles in Spanish are:
Masculine | Feminine | |
Singular | el | la |
Plural | los | las |
Here are some usage examples of how you can use these definite Spanish articles:
El lápiz de Lucía no funciona muy bien.
La lámpara de Sara brilla intensamente.
Los cerdos de Antonio viven en una granja.
Las flores de Alex crecen cada a~no.
Keep in mind that there are a few gender exceptions when using definite Spanish articles.
A masculine definite article can modify feminine nouns if the noun begins with a stressed a or ha.
For example, the word hambre is feminine, but speakers use the masculine definite article el to modify or identify this noun.
This rule applies to nouns like alma and águila, which also use the masculine definite article.
Some of the main uses of definite Spanish articles that you should be aware of include: talking about a day of the week, talking about topics in general terms, talking about languages, talking about body parts, possessions or items someone owns, and telling the time.
Let’s look at these usages in more detail.
Although we don’t use this rule in English, use definite articles when referring to a day of the week in Spanish if they’re the sentence’s subject.
Here are some usage examples:
Voy al parque todos los sábados.
Hasta el lunes. Buen fin de semana.
No me gustan los martes. Siempre tengo mucho trabajo.
If you’re describing a group of things in a general sense, use a definite article to refer to them.
Use the following sentences as examples:
Las vacas comen el césped.
Los gatos son muy lindos.
No me gusta la comida basura.
Although we don’t use definite articles to talk about languages in English, we do use them in Spanish.
Here are some usage examples:
A mí me encanta el francés.
A mí no me gusta el inglés.
Llevo siete a~nos y medio estudiando el espa~nol.
Again, even though we don’t use definite articles to talk about body parts in English, we do use them in Spanish.
Take a look at these examples:
Cuando me dió la vacuna, me dolió el brazo.
Me duele la cabeza. He trabajado demasiado.
Le duele el pie.
Use the definite Spanish article when you want to describe an object that someone else owns.
Here are a few usage examples to help you understand this rule:
El ordenador de Pepe es caro.
La mochila de Sofía es grande.
El vaso de Jaime es peque~no.
You may have already learned in a Spanish course that if you want to tell the time in Spanish you should use the definite article.
Here are some examples:
Los espa~noles comen a las once de la noche.
Los ingleses comen a las siete de la noche.
Como a las ocho de la noche.
There are four indefinite articles in Spanish, which are:
Masculine | Feminine | |
Singular | un | una |
Plural | unos | unas |
Here are some examples of how to use them:
Compré una bici para mi hijo.
Ellos compraron un ordenador nuevo.
Compraré unos pendientes para mi cumplea~nos.
Ellas compraron unas casas baratas.
We use definite and indefinite articles in Spanish in different contexts.
Spanish speakers use indefinite articles when they are referring to something undefined, but some of the rules for using indefinite articles in Spanish include: Speaking about a single object, using a descriptive noun to describe a person and giving approximations.
Let’s look at these rules with a few examples.
If you are speaking about a single object, and there are no other objects around, use the indefinite article in Spanish.
Since there’s only one object, remember to use the singular indefinite article in this case.
For example:
Quería pedir una cita.
Necesito un bolígrafo.
When you use a descriptive noun or replace an adjective with a descriptive noun, use an indefinite article in your sentence before that noun. Here are a few examples:
Eres un pájaro.
Ella es una genia.
If you want to give an approximation when you’re unsure of the exact number of things you’re describing, use an indefinite article in Spanish.
Take a look at the following examples:
Voy a comprar unos ingredientes para el pastel.
Compró unas flores para el jardín.
Watch out for some of these rules, which indicate when you should avoid using articles in Spanish:
For example, although we might say “I am a doctor” in English, in Spanish we don’t use the article. We would say soy medico.
This is important when using vocabulary for occupations.
For instance, if you want to say that you’re expecting several storms in the next months, you would say habrá tormentas en los próximos meses (without an article before the main noun tormentas).
For example, if you are describing an event that will happen in August, you don’t need to use an article before the month (although you do need one before days of the week).
You would say habrá muchas fiestas en agosto.
For instance, if you want to say “Elizabeth the Second is Queen of England”, you would say Elizabeth Segundo es reina de Inglaterra.
Refer to this guide on Spanish ordinal numbers.
Learning Spanish definite and indefinite articles is easy.
If you’re looking for a more in-depth lesson on this topic with excellent audio examples, Rocket Spanish covers this topic well. I recommend checking that out next.
Remember the rules in this guide and keep at it.
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