If you’re learning French, you’ll come across a ton of nouns that are categorised into different groups.
They’re an essential part of the French language.
The difficult part is remembering French nouns that you learn in your French lessons and knowing how to use them in sentences.
As well as the different genders of French nouns, you’ve also got to bear in mind that French nouns change when pluralised.
And the French adjectives that describe them also change their forms.
How do you recognise the gender of a French noun, and how do you pluralise them?
Oh, and what are the main categories of French nouns you should know about?
Read this guide to find out.
Also called substantifs, French nouns are words that name objects, people, locations, abstract ideas or concepts, animals, months of the year and days of the week.
Here are some French nouns that are commonly used in French-speaking countries:
Unlike in English, where we use the word “the” or the articles “a” or “an” to identify nouns, French nouns are always masculine or feminine.
You’ll tell the difference by taking note of the article that comes before the noun, and by looking at the last letter of the noun.
If a French noun ends with the letter “e” they are normally classed as feminine nouns, and you’ll notice that they’re always accompanied by the articles la or une.
If a French noun ends with a different letter in the alphabet, it is normally classed as a masculine noun, and you’ll use the articles le or un to identify them.
But, wait a minute. It’s not always that straightforward.
Some French nouns don’t abide by these rules.
For example, the French noun le fromage ends in an e, and you might think it’s feminine. But it is masculine.
There’s also an extra little tip for identifying masculine and feminine French nouns.
If the word ends in ment, age, or oir, it’s likely the noun is masculine. If it ends in tion, euse, or té, it’s likely the noun is feminine.
I recommend that you always learn the article and the French noun in pairs, though.
So, don’t just learn fromage, memorise le fromage so you know it’s masculine.
French nouns can be classified as singular or plural.
A singular French noun is a noun that describes one object, or person. A plural French noun describes several objects or people.
This means you’ll need to pluralize your French noun if you want to describe several objects. Here’s how to do it.
When you pluralize a masculine French noun, its article must also be pluralized.
The main masculine articles you’ll need to pluralize are un and le, meaning “a” and “the” respectively. The plural version of un is des and the plural of le is les.
The main feminine articles you’ll need to pluralize are une and la.
To pluralize these feminine French articles, follow the same rules above for the masculine articles. Une becomes des and la becomes les.
For instance:
La fenêtre becomes les fenêtres when it’s pluralized.
As well as pluralizing the article, you’ll also need to pluralize the nouns themselves.
Adding -s to some French nouns can help you pluralize them. A few examples of this rule include:
La maison/Les maisons/des maisons
La porte/Les portes/des portes
If a noun ends in an -s, -x, or -z, their plural form is no different to its singular form, but you still need to change the article.
For instance:
Le nez becomes les nez in the plural form
La noix becomes les noix in the plural form
To pluralize a French noun ending in -eau, -eu, -ou or -al just add an x to the end of the word and pluralize the article.
For example:
Le g^ateau becomes les g^ateaux in the plural form
Le ch^ateau becomes les ch^ateaux in the plural form
French adjectives that describe nouns must be adjusted to match the noun they describe.
English speakers don’t have to worry about this.
In the sentence “I want a blue shirt”, the word “blue” doesn’t need to be changed. In French, however, this adjective does need changing and the sentence would look like this:
Je veux une chemise bleue
Feminine nouns must be described by feminine adjectives.
Since the noun une chemise is a feminine French noun, we must describe it with the feminine adjective bleue.
To understand these rules, you’ll need to consider how the endings of French adjectives change when using them with feminine nouns.
For example:
Cette t^ache était facile (“that task was easy”)
Ce projet était facile (“that project was easy”)
Now let’s look at the main groups of French nouns.
These include proper nouns, countable and uncountable nouns and abstract and concrete nouns.
French proper nouns include peoples’ names, locations (like the names of towns and cities), the months of the year and the days of the week.
These are some typical examples of French proper nouns:
The main difference between French proper nouns and English proper nouns is that many French proper nouns are not capitalized.
So, for instance, you don’t capitalize the month of the year or days of the week when writing the date.
If your sentence opens with the month of the year or a day of the week, though, it should be capitalized.
Common French nouns are different to proper French nouns.
Whereas proper nouns can be thought of as an official name or title for something, and should be capitalized, common nouns tend to be generic.
Consider the difference between the following sentences to clarify this:
J’aime le chocolat. C’est délicieux et a une belle texture.
J’aime Kinder Bueno. C’est délicieux et a une belle texture.
In the first sentence, a common French noun is used — which is chocolat.
It’s not capitalized, and it would only be capitalized if it began a sentence.
In the second sentence, a proper noun is used — which is Kinder Bueno.
It’s a brand or name of a type of chocolate that should always be capitalized.
In French, some nouns are countable nouns and others are uncountable. If you can count the noun, it’s a countable noun.
For example:
Le pomme de terre (meaning ‘potato’ in French) is a countable noun because, if there are many of these, you can count them using numerals.
However, if you can’t count the noun, it’s an uncountable noun.
For example:
L’encre (meaning “ink” in French) is an uncountable noun because it’s grammatically incorrect to say un ‘encre’, deux ‘encres’.
Instead, we would have to say “some ink” or “two drops of ink” and use units to describe this uncountable noun correctly.
To tell the difference between countable and uncountable nouns, pay attention to the articles used to describe them.
For example, countable nouns use the articles un, une, or des, whereas uncountable French nouns use articles known as partitive articles such as du, de la or de l’.
The difference between French abstract and concrete nouns is that abstract nouns cannot be touched or smelled, heard or tasted or seen.
Abstract nouns are concepts, feelings and that we describe in words.
Here are some examples of French abstract nouns:
In contrast, concrete nouns are nouns that we can physically touch or smell, hear, taste or see.
We can interpret them with our senses and they exist physically in the world.
Some examples of French concrete nouns include:
As mentioned, your first step to remembering French nouns easily is to learn them with their article.
This will make sentence constructions easier.
Then you might want to:
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