Sa’idi () is the Arabic dialect of Upper Egypt.
I know it’s confusing (), but Upper Egypt is actually Southern Egypt (from the villages south of Cairo all the way down to Aswan).
While it’s mutually intelligible with Cairene Arabic (the Egyptian dialect spoken in Cairo), Sa’idi is also quite distinct.
The most obvious examples are the letter jeem/geem, which is usually pronounced as a ‘J’ (in Cairo it’s a ‘G’), and the letter qaf, which is pronounced as a ‘G’ in Sa’idi.
But they also have unique expressions.
The expressions that Sa’idi people use - particularly insults - are quite colorful, and often the subject of great amusement in Egyptian media. Sa’idi people are stereotypically depicted as less intelligent and a bit backward, so many of their insults poke fun at this.
Below are some of the most popular Sa’idi slang words and lighthearted insults along with their meanings.
Meaning: A useless person
Listen: 5urug
Meaning: A useless person
Listen: 5ee5a
Meaning: A naive/stupid person
Listen: 3abeet
Meaning: A donkey
Listen: ja7sh
Meaning: A person who is always in a state of humiliation
Listen: marmaTan marmaTa
Meaning: A naive/stupid person
Listen: ahbil
Meaning: A person with a clown personality
Listen: halaas
Meaning: A “son of a shoe”
Listen: ibn ilmarkoob
Meaning: A retarded person
Listen: mit5alif
Meaning: A slow/lazy person
Listen: lika3
Meaning: A distracted person (unable to focus)
Listen: matawul
Meaning: A person with a foul mouth
Listen: shalag
Meaning: A woman with a high voice who argues a lot
Listen: rada7a
Meaning: A bastard
Listen: awbash
Meaning: A careless person
Listen: tina7
Meaning: A disorganized/careless person
Listen: midahwil
Meaning: A person who isn’t serious
Listen: muhayis
Meaning: An arrogant person
Listen: namrud
Meaning: A piece of mud (refers to a boring person)
Listen: jaloos i-Teen
Meaning: A person covered in tar (someone who attracts problems)
Listen: mugaTran
Meaning: An arrogant person
Listen: ma3njir
Meaning: A person who doesn’t care about time
Listen: saka3
Meaning: A person who depends on others to get work done
Listen: naTa3
Meaning: A person who can’t be taken seriously
Listen: laT5
Meaning: A person who depends on others to get work done
Listen: 3awnaq
Meaning: A person who depends on others to get work done
Listen: mitla7im
Meaning: A person who brags about themselves
Listen: ganzu7
Meaning: A boring person
Listen: mlaslis
Meaning: A stiff person
Listen: mita3anTiz
Meaning: A provocative person
Listen: 3anij
Meaning: A disorganized person
Listen: midaldil
Meaning: A person covered in Nile River mud (lots of bad luck)
Listen: minayil
Meaning: A dirty (bad) person
Listen: nijis
Meaning: A poor person
Listen: mka7arit
Meaning: A person who talks too much
Listen: riTraT
Meaning: An ugly person
Listen: 3awja
Meaning: A lazy person
Listen: bilaT
Meaning: A person who smells bad (also stingy)
Listen: nitin
Meaning: A person who smells bad
Listen: mugal7if
Meaning: An ugly person
Listen: 3afsha
Meaning: An ugly person
Listen: sheena
Meaning: A filthy person
Listen: ima3afliT
Meaning: A filthy person covered in fungus
Listen: ima3atun
Meaning: A sick person
Listen: malkoom
Meaning: A person who farts a lot (also refers to someone who frequently breaks promises)
Listen: zaraT
Any more that I should add to this list?
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