Language learning is all about trial and error.
You try one approach. It gives you crappy results. You try something else.
Those of us who have already learned foreign languages tend to find it much easier to learn another one because we’ve learned a lot from our previous mistakes. We know what not to do the next time round.
While everyone takes their own approach to language learning as well as the plethora of “you should do’s” (some of which may benefit some but not others), for today’s post I’ve decided to share 19 “do not do’s” which I believe are hugely important for all language learners.
The most important thing before you do anything of course is to have a real purpose for learning and to be resolutely determined to succeed no matter what.
Whatever distractions get thrown at you, you’re going to see this through to the end.
If you don’t have that level of motivation then stop reading now and find another hobby.
But if you do then read on!